Share photos & stories of interest to other members Got an interesting story or photo (old or new) that might be of interest to others? This is the place to share it!
Online & email Sharing information is easy. Just email the group, either from your own email or through the site.
Got a question or need any help? If you have a question you think a fellow member can help with, ask it here! Technical questions when accessing the site or posting messages are also welcome.


In addition to viewing photos, stories & articles posted previously by other visitors, we encourage you to participate too. In particular, we’re always interested in any pictures you may have (old & new), as well as articles or stories relating to Zanzibar that you think others may find of interest. Who knows, it may be the start of a new journey for you as well! Posts are automatically sent to all our registered members by email, as well as being saved for all to view here. Where appropriatre, articles & photos can also be added to the appropriate pages online.


Whats New Music & Socials Music & Socials Sports Sports Past Holidays Past Holidays Zanzibar Memories Zanzibar Memories Upload/Post Upload/Post Articles Articles Cooking/Recipes Cooking/Recipes Zanzibaris Abroad Zanzibaris Abroad Let’s go to Zanzibar! Let’s go to Zanzibar!

Karibu Paradise Zanzibar

Welcome to

To all our friends in Australia, Canada, Europe, The Middle East, USA & United Kingdom, it gives us great pleasure

to welcome you to our website, Karibu Paradise Zanzibar.

Our site is designed as an information hub for Zanzibar. Its quick & easy to

use and allows you to communicate with most of your friends scattered across the

globe. Its is open to all persons interested in Zanzibar including its people, its history,

culture and its social and ecological environment.


If you’re linked to or interested in the island of Zanzibar in any way, then you are most welcome to look around. No login, email or password is needed, just click the links above to see the pictures & read associated articles etc. To see previous emails sent by other visitors, select “Upload/Post”. POST BY INVITATION Browsing is available to every visitor. However, for added security, the ability to post messages, photos & articles is by invitation only. Once added to our mailing group, you can simply send your photos, articles etc. to everyone in the mailing group, just like you would send any other email. Its very easy! If you want to post but don’t have access, just send an email to the administrator with your request.

Share your memories, past & present…

House rules

By continuing to use this site, you… General Acknowledge that the views posted online or through the mailing group by individuals are the views of those individuals and not necessarily the views of others within or linked to the community, Agree to the use of cookies, which the site uses to enable functionality. More information on cookies & how we use them can be found here. Posting By posting messages, photos, articles or other content either online within this website or through the associated mailing group, you agree… To respect the views of others, even if they are different from your own, To respect the diversity in the Karibu Paradise Zanzibar community, To respect the concerns of others and commit to ethical behaviour and social justice, Not to post content that contains political views or argument, either relating to the present day, or historical events. Failure to follow these simple rules will result in… Posts or content being removed without warning, The banning of the related members from posting any further articles or content thereafter. Reporting If you believe any of these rules have not been followed, please report the specific content by email to the administrator immediately.

Please feel free to browse the site. No user, email or password needed!

Share photos & stories of interest to other members Got an interesting story or photo (old or new) that might be of interest to others? This is the place to share it!
Online & email Sharing information is easy. Just email the group, either from your own email or through the site.
Got a question or need any help? If you have a question you think a fellow member can help with, ask it here! Technical questions when accessing the site or posting messages are also welcome.


In addition to viewing photos, stories & articles posted previously by other visitors, we encourage you to participate too. In particular, we’re always interested in any pictures you may have (old & new), as well as articles or stories relating to Zanzibar that you think others may find of interest. Who knows, it may be the start of a new journey for you as well! Posts are automatically sent to all our registered members by email, as well as being saved for all to view here. Where appropriatre, articles & photos can also be added to the appropriate pages online.


Karibu Paradise Zanzibar

Welcome to

To all our friends in Australia, Canada, Europe, The

Middle East, USA & United Kingdom, it gives us great

pleasure to welcome you to our website, Karibu

Paradise Zanzibar.

Our site is designed as an information hub for

Zanzibar. Its quick & easy to use and allows you to

communicate with most of your friends scattered

across the globe. Its is open to all persons interested

in Zanzibar including its people, its history, culture and

its social and ecological environment.


If you’re linked to or interested in the island of Zanzibar in any way, then you are most welcome to look around. No login, email or password is needed, just click the links above to see the pictures & read associated articles etc. To see previous emails sent by other visitors, select “Upload/Post”. POST BY INVITATION Browsing is available to every visitor. However, for added security, the ability to post messages, photos & articles is by invitation only. Once added to our mailing group, you can simply send your photos, articles etc. to everyone in the mailing group, just like you would send any other email. Its very easy! If you want to post but don’t have access, just send an email to the administrator with your request.

Share your memories, past & present…

House rules

By continuing to use this site, you… General Acknowledge that the views posted online or through the mailing group by individuals are the views of those individuals and not necessarily the views of others within or linked to the community, Agree to the use of cookies, which the site uses to enable functionality. More information on cookies & how we use them can be found here. Posting By posting messages, photos, articles or other content either online within this website or through the associated mailing group, you agree… To respect the views of others, even if they are different from your own, To respect the diversity in the Karibu Paradise Zanzibar community, To respect the concerns of others and commit to ethical behaviour and social justice, Not to post content that contains political views or argument, either relating to the present day, or historical events. Failure to follow these simple rules will result in… Posts or content being removed without warning, The banning of the related members from posting any further articles or content thereafter. Reporting If you believe any of these rules have not been followed, please report the specific content by email to the administrator immediately.

Please feel free to browse the site.

No user, email or password needed!